Drawing on an in-depth review of the most relevant research, the project aims to enable more coherent and effective policymaking to further environmental sustainability and social well-being in Europe and beyond. GreenPaths is a three-year initiative funded by the European Commission (Horizon Europe) and is being executed by a consortium of 13 partners in 10 countries.



Research by the GreenPaths partners shows that the decisions governments make can effect real change for many people in Europe and beyond. The convergence of the climate emergency, the economic crisis that began in 2007, the pandemic, and the war in Ukraine have increased inequality and weakened social cohesion. In this context, setting up a knowledge platform and creating a European network backed by scientific evidence of the impacts of climate and environmental policy interventions is sorely needed. The GreenPaths project derives from previous and ongoing work by the consortium partners around the green and just transitions, in particular on energy and climate, land use, transport, food, agriculture, construction, trade and taxation, and industrial production.


For GreenPaths, ”green and just transitions”, means:

  • A shift towards a sustainable model of production and consumption that prioritises the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, adaptation and resilience policies, the protection of biodiversity, and the protection and restoration of ecosystems.
  • A shift towards a social model based on equity and social cohesion, including fair distribution of the benefits and costs of the climate transition, to guarantee access to public goods and services, generate decent employment, and reduce inequalities.
  • A shift towards greater citizen’ participation and expanded social dialogue that enables more democratic planning and implementation of the desired transitions.

The hub

The GreenPaths Hub is a knowledge platform for all those involved or interested in the green and just transition. It provides a variety of materials tailored for and by policymakers, researchers, academics, and members of civil society organisations. The Hub includes materials produced by the project as well as other resources produced by the project partners. It offers a 360º view of all your knowledge needs on green and just transitions.

More info on project website: https://greenpaths.info/


The GreenPaths project is funded by the EU’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement 101112305. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Official Web Site

Working Package 1


The overall objective of WP1 is to systematically review, map and explain the broad links between green transition policy interventions, environmental sustainability and social wellbeing. This includes a brief analysis of EU and national policies and strategies, an appraisal and synthesis of the results of recent and ongoing research projects, and an analysis of how social impacts are currently foreseen, assessed and measured. 

The specific objectives of WP1 are:
  • To systematically review, map, describe and explain the linkages between green transition strategies and policies, environmental sustainability and social wellbeing in Europe.
  • To identify social impacts and provide an initial assessment of how they are currently addressed within policy interventions in Europe. 

Working Package 3


The overall objective of WP3 is to provide a comprehensive, in-depth and empirically grounded assessment of the linkages between green transition policy interventions, environmental sustainability and social wellbeing. This includes a set of 15 case studies focusing on the thematic areas addressed by the call in diverse national and regional backgrounds.

The specific objectives of WP3 are: 
  • To produce a comprehensive and in-depth assessment of the linkages between European policies, environmental sustainability and social wellbeing based on a broad set of case studies representative of different geographical contexts, welfare models and/or transition challenges.
  • To provide an assessment of the social and environmental impacts of EU policies within Europe and in other parts of the world (focusing on the externalities of European policies in the Global South). 

Working Package 5


The overall objective of WP5 is to derive transition pathways for desirable changes in European and national policies and instruments, and to formulate corresponding policy recommendations.

The specific objectives of WP5 are:
  • To carry out a multi-stakeholder visioning process on desirable changes in policy interventions geared towards green transitions in Europe
  • To recommend concrete steps for improving the coherence, sustainability and efficiency of policy interventions geared towards green transitions. 

Working Package 6


The overall objective of WP6 is to maximise the impacts of the project and ensure that relevant stakeholders are engaged by creating and facilitating new opportunities for a productive dialogue between researchers, civil society representatives and policy-makers on green transitions in Europe. This includes the establishment of a pan-European network, the creation of an evidence-based communication platform – the GREENPATHS Hub – and a suite of engagement activities and dissemination materials on a wide range of issues related to the concept of ‘green transitions’. 

The specific objectives of WP6 are:
  • To create and facilitate new opportunities for a productive dialogue between researchers, civil society representatives and policy-makers on green transitions in Europe. 

  • To better inform civil society actors, policy-makers and other relevant stakeholders about the linkages between policy interventions, environmental sustainability and social wellbeing. 

  • To link up with existing related networks and knowledge platforms in Europe and other regions of the world. 

  • To establish a permanent pan-European network centred around the GREENPATHS Hub, created by the members of the consortium and open to other organisations interested and willing to join it. 

Working Package 7


The overall objective of WP7 is to maximise the impacts of the project and ensure that relevant stakeholders are engaged by creating and facilitating new opportunities for a productive dialogue between researchers, civil society representatives and policy-makers on green transitions in Europe. This includes the establishment of a pan-European network, the creation of an evidence-based communication platform – the GREENPATHS Hub – and a suite of engagement activities and dissemination materials on a wide range of issues related to the concept of ‘green transitions’. 

The specific objectives of WP7 are:
  • To create and facilitate new opportunities for a productive dialogue between researchers, civil society representatives and policy-makers on green transitions in Europe.  

  • To better inform civil society actors, policy-makers and other relevant stakeholders about the linkages between policy interventions, environmental sustainability and social wellbeing. 

  • To link up with existing related networks and knowledge platforms in Europe and other regions of the world. 

  • To establish a permanent pan-European network centred around the GREENPATHS Hub, created by the members of the consortium and open to other organisations interested and willing to join it. 

Working Package 8


The overall objective of WP8 is to maximise the impacts of the project and ensure that relevant stakeholders are engaged by creating and facilitating new opportunities for a productive dialogue between researchers, civil society representatives and policy-makers on green transitions in Europe. This includes the establishment of a pan-European network, the creation of an evidence-based communication platform – the GREENPATHS Hub – and a suite of engagement activities and dissemination materials on a wide range of issues related to the concept of ‘green transitions’. 

The specific objectives of WP8 are:
  • To create and facilitate new opportunities for a productive dialogue between researchers, civil society representatives and policy-makers on green transitions in Europe. 

  • To better inform civil society actors, policy-makers and other relevant stakeholders about the linkages between policy interventions, environmental sustainability and social wellbeing. 

  • To link up with existing related networks and knowledge platforms in Europe and other regions of the world. 

  • To establish a permanent pan-European network centred around the GREENPATHS Hub, created by the members of the consortium and open to other organisations interested and willing to join it. 

Working Package 9


The overall objective of this WP is to ensure a successful implementation of the GREEN-PATHS project, including scientific coordination, internal communication, reporting, ethics screening and managerial and administrative tasks. 

The specific objectives of WP9 are:
  • To set up the Governance Structure of the project, including an Ethical Mentor. 

  • To establish and follow a Project Management Plan for an efficient communication flow with all partners and methods and tools for reporting, monitoring and quality assurance, including innovation management and Responsible Research and Innovation management. 

  • To achieve the project scientific and technological objectives according to the budget and on schedule, providing efficient internal information flow and knowledge management for solving potential conflicts. 

  • To establish a Data Management Plan to properly collect, store, and handle all techno-economical information during and after the project ends. 

  • To overview all project activities under the Responsible Research and Innovation key aspects: Ethics, Gender Equality, Governance, Open access, Public Engagement and Science Education. 

Working Package 10


The overall objective of this WP is to ensure a successful implementation of the GREEN-PATHS project, including scientific coordination, internal communication, reporting, ethics screening and managerial and administrative tasks. 

The specific objectives of WP10 are:
  • To follow the Project Management Plan for an efficient communication flow with all partners and methods and tools for reporting, monitoring and quality assurance, including innovation management and Responsible Research and Innovation management. 

  • To achieve the project scientific and technological objectives according to the budget and on schedule, providing efficient internal information flow and knowledge management for solving potential conflicts. 

  • To update the Data Management Plan and properly collect, store, and handle all techno-economical information during and after the project ends.

  • To overview all project activities under the Responsible Research and Innovation key aspects: Ethics, Gender Equality, Governance, Open access, Public Engagement and Science Education. 

Working Package 11


The overall objective of this WP is to ensure a successful implementation of the GREEN-PATHS project, including scientific coordination, internal communication, reporting, ethics screening and managerial and administrative tasks.

The specific objectives of WP11 are:
  • To follow the Project Management Plan for an efficient communication flow with all partners and methods and tools for reporting, monitoring and quality assurance, including innovation management and Responsible Research and Innovation management.

  • To achieve the project scientific and technological objectives according to the budget and on schedule, providing efficient internal information flow and knowledge management for solving potential conflicts.

  • To update the Data Management Plan and properly collect, store, and handle all techno-economical information during and after the project ends.  

  • To overview all project activities under the Responsible Research and Innovation key aspects: Ethics, Gender Equality, Governance, Open access, Public Engagement and Science Education.