This meeting has occured within a long activity of dialogue, started in 1995, between FPH, the Rural Development Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Science, based in Beijing and lately with Risteco.
Among the main steps of this process of dialogue: the visits in Shandong in 2006 and 2008, the international conferences in Ningxia in 1999, 2009, 2010, in Beijing in 2010, the workshop organised in Turin within the second edition of China Europe in 2007, the participation of a chinese delegation in Terra Madre event in 2008, in Turin and to the first international conference of Eating City organised in Rome in 2010.

The conference has gathered people from different horizons, regions, countries, continents, to think about the many aspects of sustainable food systems. The participants have highlighted the necessity to create an international network involving as many countries as possible, and to share case studies in order to document feasible actions.
It has raised the question of unsustainable flows of food induced by urban sprawling. Therefore the project highlighted the fact that the current pattern of development of globalized food supply chains is 1 – disrupting food-based economies at local level everywhere in the world, 2 – concentrating financial resources in the hands of few players, 3 – generating environmental inefficiencies by increasing road transport and food waste and 4 – generalising the production of standardized and unhealthy food.
Download the presentations:
The Eating City Platform: Experiences in Public Food Services
Maurizio Mariani, Risteco
Food policies : the case of New York City
Emily Sandusky, Karp Resources
A Plan for the development of sustainable food in Paris city canteens
Sylvie Puissant, Urban Ecology Agency of Paris
Urban Food Challenges in India
Siddhartha, Pipal Tree, Fireflies Intercultural Centre Bangalore-India
Short supply chains and governance: the case of safe vegetables in Hanoi
Dao The Anh, CASRAD
The Public Food Services in Europe, financial issue during the last 15 years.
Andrea Ivaldi, Risteco
Fortification benefits the People and the Nation.
Li Suru, COFCO
Sustainability Issues of China’s Agro-food Fair-trade Markets compared with Farmers’ Markets in L.A. of the U.S.
Tan, Xuewen Rural Development Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
« China sustainable food chain and public canteen survey project »
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The case of Lanzhou.
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