This 5th edition of the Eating City Summer Campus was dedicated to the theme of “Gastronomy facing Sustainability”.
Find out more about the speakers, the sustainable “cook-off” contest and the work carried out which lead to the writing of a final “Declaration” on sustainable food systems by the participants themselves.

The program will include seminars, work-in-group sessions as well as recreational/cultural activities and also free time in order to stimulate dialogue and thinking among the participants and the speakers, all along the week.
Lectures will be given by international professionals working in universities, companies, local authorities and also belonging to the civil society, all related to the Eating City Network. Activities will start on Monday July 24th (late evening) with the welcome of partici pants until Tuesday August 1st morning, the day of departure.
The program for this year will include a large range of food systems issues including the leverage effect of public food service. It will focus on how new recipes should help to reduce food waste & loss and drive our food habits towards sustainability and health.
As during the previous editions, participants will be asked to write a Common Declaration all together that outlines their vision on Sustainable Food Systems according to the main theme of the campus.
This process will be supported by a staff of facilitators, during the different working group sessions taking place every day, alternately with plenary sessions.
Applicants should be aware that after the Campus, they will become ambassadors of Eating City. They will be asked to disseminate their participation and the 5th “Villarceaux Declaration” after the Campus.
The Summer Campus Agenda
July 24 – 2017
8.00 – 18:45 Arrival – Participants registration
18:45 – 20:15 Free Time
20:15 – 21:30 Dinner
July 25 – 2017
08:00 – 09:00 Breakfast
09:00 – 11:00 Eating City International Platform Presentation Facilitators: Maurizio Mariani, Arie Van Den Brand
11:00 – 11:20 Free Time coffee break
11:20 – 12:45 Ice Breaking Session Ice Breaker: Giuseppe Mastruzzo
12:45 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 16:00 From past editions : lectures from former participants… learnedat ECSC Speakers: Edith Salminen, Sylwia Padiasek, Hannah Chatterjee, Lynsey Gordon – Facilitators: Judita Peterlin, Nicola Robecchi
16:00 – 16:30 Free Time coffe break
16:30 – 18:30 Working Group: Warm up – Ice Breaking into each working group – task for “sustainable menus of change” Facilitators: Hannah Chatterjee, Ana Puhac, Sylwia Padiasek – Ice Breakers: EC Staff
18:30 – 18:45 Free Time
18:45 – 22:30 Melting Pot Dinner
July 26- 2017
08:00 – 09:00 Breakfast
09:00 – 11:00 Vision: The James Beard Foundation Speaker: Kriss Moon – Facilitator: Maurizio Mariani
09:00 – 12:45 Cook-off Contest: Procurement process “buying local raw food” a small travel nearby Facilitators: Edith Salminen, Nicola Robecchi. Made by: Leading Chefs
11:00 – 11:20 Free Time coffe break
11:20 – 12:45 Working Group: Sharing Vision from The James Beard Foundation Facilitators: Hannah Chatterjee, Ana Puhac, Sylwia Padiasek Ice Breaker: EC Staff
12:45 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 16:00 Vision : The Public Food in USA Speaker: Katie Wilson – Facilitator: Robin Gourlay
16:00 – 16:30 Free Time coffe break
16:30 – 18:30 Working Group: Sharing Vision from the Public Food in USA Facilitators: Hannah Chatterjee, Ana Puhac, Sylwia Padiasek Ice Breaker: EC Staff
18:30 – 18:45 Free Time
18:45 – 19:45 The Food Thinkers + Camera Cafè Coordinated by Elizabeth Taylor. Facilitator: Edith Salminen
The Food Lab Coordinated by Nicola Robecchi. Facilitator: Hannah Chatterjee
19:45 – 20:15 Free Time Daily Meeting For Facilitators
20:15 – 21:30 Dinner
21:30 – 22:30 Free
July 27 – 2017
08:00 – 09:00 Breakfast
09:00 – 11:00 Vision: Urban Food Planning in Turin and around EU Speaker: Egidio Dansero – Facilitator: Giuseppe Mastruzzo
09:00 – 12:45 Cook-off Contest: Procurement process “buying local raw food” a small travel nearby. Facilitators: Edith Salminen, Nicola Robecchi. Made by: Leading Chefs Free Time coffee break
11:00 – 11:20 Working Group: Sharing Vision from Urban Food Planning
11:20 – 12:45 in Turin and around EU. Facilitators: Hannah Chatterjee, Ana Puhac, Sylwia Padiesek – Ice Breakers: EC Staff
12:45 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 16:00 Vision: Soil Fertility – First step for a new food paradigm Speaker: Boris Boincean – Facilitator: Isabelle Lacourt
14:00 – 20:15 Cooking the first dinner – Omnivore Facilitators: Edith Salminen, Nicola Robecchi. Made by: Leading Chefs
16:30 – 16:30 Free Time coffee break
16:30 – 18:30 Working Group: Sharing Vision from Soil Fertility Facilitators: Hannah Chatterjee, Ana Puhac, Sylwia Padiasek Ice Breakers: EC Staff
18:30 – 18:45 Free Time
18:45 – 19:45 The Food Thinkers Session 2 Coordinated by Elizabeth Taylor. Facilitator: Edith Salminen; The Food Lab Session 2 Coordinated by Nicola Robecchi. Facilitator: Ana Puhac
19:45 – 20:15 Free Time Daily Meeting For Facilitators
20:15 – 22:30 Cook-Off Dinner – Omnivore
21:30 – 22:30 Free
July 28 – 2017
08:00 – 09:00 Breakfast
09:00 – 11:00 Focus: Public Foodservices as a lever for change Part 1 Speaker: Hanya Hultberg – Facilitator: Lynsey Gordon
11:00 – 11:20 Free Time coffe break
11:20 – 12:45 Working Group: Sharing Mission from Public Foodservices as a lever for change Part 1 Facilitators: Hannah Chatterjee, Ana Puhac, Sylwia Padiesek – Ice Breakers: EC Staff
12:45 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 16:00 Focus: Public Foodservices as a lever for change Part 2 Speaker: Betina B. Madsen, Tamara Bruning – Facilitator: Robin Gourlay
14:00 – 20:15 Cooking the second dinner – Veggie. Facilitators: Edith Salminen, Nicola Robecchi. Made by: Leading Chefs
16:00 – 16:30 Free Time coffee break
16:30 – 18:30 Working Group: Sharing Mission from Public Foodservices as a lever for change Part 2 Facilitator: Hannah Chatterjee, Ana Puhac, Sylwia Padiasek Ice Breakers: EC Staff
18:30 – 18:45 Free Time
18:45 – 19:45 The Food Thinkers Session 3 Coordinated by Elizabeth Taylor. Facilitator: Edith Salminen The Food Lab Session 3 Coordinated by Nicola Robecchi. Facilitator: Sylwia Padiasek
19:45 – 20:15 Free Time Daily Meeting For Facilitators
20:15 – 21:30 Cook-Off Dinner – Veggie
21:30 – 22:30 Guus Thijssen Gastronomy & Storytelling Facilitator: Edith Salminen
July 29 – 2017
08:00 – 09:00 Breakfast
09:00 – 11:00 Focus: New Public Food Paradigm – from commodities to commons Speakers: Giuseppe Mastruzzo – Facilitator: Bart Soldaat
11:00 – 11:20 Free Time coffe break
11:20 – 12:45 Working Group: Sharing Mission from New Public Food Paradigm – from commodities to commons Facilitators: Hannah Chatterjee, Ana Puhac, Sylwia Padiasek Ice Breakers: EC Staff
12:45 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 16:00 Focus: Public Foodservices as a lever for change Part 3. Speaker: Robin Gourlay, Betina B. Madsen – Facilitator: Isabel Lacourt
14:00 – 20:15 Cooking the third dinner – Vegan. Facilitators: Edith Salminen, Nicola Robecchi. Made by: Leading Chefs
16:00 – 16:30 Free Time coffe break
16:30 – 18:30 Working Group: Focusing on Declaration from Public Foodservices as a lever for change Part 3 Facilitators: Hannah Chatterjee, Ana Puhac, Sylwia Padiasek Ice Breakers: EC Staff
18:30 – 18:45 Free Time
18:45 – 19:45 The Food Thinkers Session 4 Coordinated by Elizabeth Taylor. Facilitator: Edith Salminen The Food Lab Session 4 Coordinated by Nicola Robecchi. Facilitator: Lynsey Gordon
19:45 – 20:15 Free Time Daily Meeting For Facilitators
20:15 – 21:30 Cook-Off Dinner – Vegan
21:30 – 22:30 Roxane Fage, the UNESCO Chair “ Alimentation du Monde” Facilitator: Edith Salminen
July 30- 2017
08:00 – 09:00 Breakfast
09:00 – 11:00 Focus: From Designers to Chefs – a fascinating food story from Brazil Speaker: Teresa Corcao – Facilitator: Giuseppe Mastruzzo
11:00 – 11:20 Free Time coffee break
11:20 – 12:45 Working Group: Focusing on Declaration from From Designers to Chefs Facilitators: Hannah Chatterjee, Ana Puhac, Sylwia Padiasek Ice Breakers: EC Staff
12:45 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 16:00 Focus: Food Waste – What to do? Speaker: Clementine O’Connor – Ice Breaker: Bart Soldaat
16:00 – 16:30 Free Time coffee break
16:30 – 18:30 Working Group: Focusing on Declaration from Food Waste – What to do? Facilitators: Hannah Chatterjee, Ana Puhac, Sylwia Padiasek Ice Breakers: EC Staff
18:30 – 20:15 Free Time
20:15 – 21:30 Dinner
20:15 – 22:30 The Grand Eating City – Cook Off – Award Ceremony Facilitator: Edith Salminen
July 31- 2017
08:00 – 09:00 Breakfast
09:00 – 11:00 Sharing & Writing the 5th Villarceaux Declaration Facilitators: Judita Peterlin, Robin Gourlay Ice Breakers: Giuseppe Mastruzzo, Bart Soldat
11:00 – 11:20 Free Time coffee break
11:20 – 12:45 Sharing & Writing the 5th Villarceaux Declaration Facilitators: Judita Peterlin, Robin Gourlay Ice Breakers: Giuseppe Mastruzzo, Bart Soldat
12:45 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 16:00 Sharing & Writing the 5th Villarceaux Declaration Facilitators: Judita Peterlin, Robin Gourlay Ice Breakers: Giuseppe Mastruzzo, Bart Soldat
16:00 – 16:30 Free Time coffee break
16:30 – 19:45 Sharing & Writing the 5th Villarceaux Declaration Facilitators: Judita Peterlin, Robin Gourlay Ice Breakers: Giuseppe Mastruzzo, Bart Soldat
19:45 – 20:15 Free Time
20:15 – 23:30 Barbecue around the fire
August 1 – 2017
07:00 – 08:30 Breakfast
07:30 – 09:30 Leaving the Campus
The Invited Speakers
By bringing Brazil’s traditional foods like cassava back to life in top culinary markets, Chef Teresa Corção is helping both small farmers and the country’s health.Teresa Corção is President o...
Read More...Boris Boincean originally from Ukraine, graduated from the Faculty of Agronomy of the Moscow Agricultural Academy (K.A. Timiriazev). he is responsible for the chair of Natural Sciences and Agroecology...
Read More...Kristopher Moon is the Vice President at the James Beard Foundation. During his tenure at the Foundation Moon has been instrumental in launching the Chefs Boot Camp for Policy and Change. Under his le...
Read More...Anya Hultberg is a senior advisor in the field of food policy, sustainable, quality procurement and organic conversion in public kitchens. She is currently working as an independant consultant to Cope...
Dr. Wilson has a passion for child nutrition and has dedicated her career to improving access to healthy food for all children and their families. She has spent twenty three years as a school nutrition director in three public schools districts in Wisconsin…
Read More...Egidio Dansero is a full professor of Political and Economic Geography in the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society at the University of Torino, Italy and is also delegate of the Rector of the ...
As a cook I’m passionate about food, as a bachelor in social work I care for people and as a master in public management I strive for good policy.
Read More...Clementine O’Connor is a Sustainable Food Systems Consultant at World Resources Institute. Lead consultant to Champions 12.3, a high level coalition mobilising action on SDG Target 12.3 to halve foo...
Read More...The EC Staff
Arie Van Den Brand is a Dutch GreenLeft politician. He was member of the House of Representatives for GreenLeft between May 2002 and March 2004. Van den Brand studied agriculture science at the Univer...
Judita Peterlin, PhD, works at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. She joined the first Eating City Summer Campus as a participant and since then, she has been involved in successive editions and also in other Eating City workshops as a facilitator and coordinator of the Summer Campus facilitators at La Bergerie de Villarceaux.
Bart Soldaat has been trained as a rural sociologist at the Agricultural University of Wageningen, Holland. After completion of its Masters, he has done research in Italy for the Italian Ministry of Agriculture in 1990 on the subject of beef quality of indigenous breeds.
Betina Bergmann Madsen is chief procurement officer in the Copenhagen Municipality and a specialist in the procurement of sustainable and organic food for the municipality’s 900 kitchens.
Read More...Founder of WDT agency, committed gastronome, adventurer & entrepreneur. Nicola believes in the opportunities to work towards a better food system, reconnecting urban areas with the countryside, lan...
Aleksandar Stojanovic is a labor rights activist from Serbia and a researcher with focus on policy, law and economics and the commons, is working on Eating City project within the public foodservices focus group and he is member of the Eating City steering committee. During The Campus will work as responsible of the facilitator staff.
Read More...Edith is an eclectic food professional. As social-anthropologist and holistic gastronome, Edith gets her kicks out of observing and analyzing various food related patterns, trends and behavior in soci...
Read More...Guus Thijssen is a gastronomic storyteller, host and organizer. With an emphasis on the human value, his company Guustronomy promotes sustainable gastronomy by giving chefs appropriate stages. Wether ...
Read More...The Facilitators
Hannah is the Food Policy Advisory Council Manager at the Office of Sustainability. She manages subcommittee projects and fundraising for FPAC, and oversees the Council’s meetings and general operat...
Ana Puhac is an urban food systems specialist working for Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome where she supports activities contributing to FAO’s Urban Food Agenda and building knowledge on urban food governance mechanisms. She holds a B.A. in Human Ecology and MSc in Building and Urban Design in Development. Recently, Ana worked with multi-actor processes for urban development through design of innovative tools, project development and research in an innovative start-up and the municipality of Amsterdam.
Ana was a participant of Eating City in 2016, after which she joined Eating City as a facilitator and a member of the Steering Committee.
Sylwia is an experienced office and operations manager bringing administrative, logistics, interpersonal and communication skills to her role as Consulting Project Coordinator and Executive Assistant ...
Read More...The Participants

Sara Kramer is a vegetable-loving chef and restaurant owner in Los Angeles. She cares deeply about sustainability, both environmentally and culturally, and makes every effort to channel that ideology into practice.

"I'm a chef trying to learn, promote and advocate for food access in my community"

I grew up in the melting pot of the Bronx. Learning about different cultures and their cuisine. I was able to channel that love into a career that continues to teach me every single day. I'm currently opening up a restaurant in Washington DC that will embody my upbringing.

A postgraduate student in Comparative Law, Economics and Finance. I am very interested in food and agricultural policies and the right to food. I am a board member of a youth initiative on empowerment and development in Ethiopia where I come from.

Walking the line between farmer and facilitator I am passionate about power structures, patent laws, seeds, soil and global trade. Favourite food: 1 day old goats cheese.

Interested in food sovereignty and sustainable development, specially in the factors affecting the agri-food systems: political, socio-economical and environmental issues.

A graduate in Food Innovation and Health, born on German ground growing up with an Asian palate. I understood early that food is the common language everyone speaks and my way to express myself. I fell in love early with the sensation and the power of food.

Deeply passionate in delicate topics such as social food movements, right to food, environmental protection and conscious choices of citizens in a global economy: I would like to turn them into a project of life.

I am a Food Engineer, a solo traveler and an explorer of the never ending innovation in the world of food.

With a background in contemporary arts and curating, at the moment I am organizing the Neo-Futurist Dinners Series at Mediamatic in Amsterdam. Besides that, I am doing a Master's at Utrecht University in Arts and Society. I am interested in food as an artistic and design medium and more specifically in practices that involve food with the aim of overcoming distances, conflicts and creating connection between people and cultures.

Diversity and dialogue are two key drivers that guide me to new projects. After working for an ecological NGO in France, I am currently in my first year of MSc in Communication and Sustainable Agriculture at Wageningen University.

Brenda Mutuma has three years of US Federal Government experience and a few more working with local food policy and provision.She is now a Quality Control program specialist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service (FNS,) Supplemental Nutrition Program (SNAP,) assisting in the auditing of national program implementation and compliance. Brenda was a recipient of the Emerson National Hunger Fellowship Award, a year-long social justice program focusing on food policy and advocacy.

I am an ecologist who is passionate about food and its interconnection with all aspects of our lives, from health to politics, culture to behaviour and, of course, sustainability. I envision a world where abundance meets a better quality of life for all, and I know that food ecology is key to that ultimate goal. I'm founder and co-director of "LOCAL" - Real Food Association, a platform whose goal is to set standards and literacy for food sustainability and health. As a holistic gastronome, I think, I feel, and eat food, and I'm proud to be part of this food revolution.

I am an Italian student at the university of Torino (Italy) and I am studying to become a Dietician. I am very passionate of all aspects of food from the farming process to the final products and eating. I really love what I am studying as I believe that through a good life style with sustainable and healthy eating habits everyone can promote his health and live in a better world.

I’m Àngela and I grew up in a small village from Spain. I want to keep learning about how to change and improve our relation with nature. Agriculture and sustainable food Systems are kye to cope with these present challenges. Here, the reason to attend this summer school to enlarge my knowledge and experience.

Since I can remember, I’m fascinated by the beauty and the incredible resilience of nature. Logically, I’m interested in preservation of the environment and I oriented myself to production systems such as agroecology, permaculture, organic & biodynamic farming.

Organic Agriculture as an instrument to reach social inclusion? Challenging but certainly possible. That's why we produce vegetables that are Tasty, Healty, and Supportive!

Madeline has coordinated the Philadelphia Food Policy Advisory for the last two years. After Eating City, she will begin a Master's degree in Public Policy focusing on food access.

I’m a food critic, social media food influencer and a certified chef. I hold degrees in Journalism and Culinary Arts and taking Master in Food innovation at UNIMORE, Italy. I travel for work and study to taste and write about food from all over the world, explore food innovation hubs and understand the food culture and rituals.

I’m dedicated to keeping agricultural land in production, strengthening local food systems, and building a truly equitable food system for all. This fall I will be starting my masters in Environment and Sustainable Development.

I’m currently studying sustainable food systems focusing on alternative food initiatives and local food policies. Besides I cooperate with NGOs. I am passionate about cooking and I have a garden.

I am a Food Technology student from Germany studying in the Netherlands. I am majoring in Food Innovation Management. My study is focused on the development of new Food products and therefore I hope to be able to create food products that can contribute to a more sustainable world.

My mind, my heart and my soul are filled with curiosity and love for nature, good food, animals and positive people. Every day I'm trying to make our world a better and happier place. I've also realised that being playful is being in touch with our true self. This also leads us to a better and enhanced relationships.

I am an artist and a cook and a big believer in the development of building new smaller more localized food systems.

Foodie for life, nutritionist for profession. We are what we eat! I believe everyone has a special bond with food, eating is an essential need, and the way we eat is linked to our health, environment, culture, economy, politics and society. I’m passionate about learning and recognizing all the aspects of this beautiful link we have with food and how we can adapt and create new solutions to the new challenges we face nowadays.

I am a non-profit loan officer helping sustainable and mission-driven businesses to launch, grow, and scale through loan products, social capital, and business coaching.

Cultivated by the community. Akello has spent his life dedicated to the mission of helping Detroit, Michigan a food sovereign city. With the support of the community, the sky’s the limit. “I’m super excited to a part of the Eating City community!”
Speakers’ presentations:
The James Beard Foundation Speaker: Kriss Moon (+ YouTube video)
Public Food in the USA Speaker: Katie Wilson
Urban Food Planning in Turin and around EU Speaker: Egidio Dansero
Public Food services as a lever for change Part 1 Speaker: Anya Hultberg
Soil Fertility – First step for a new food paradigm Speaker: Boris Boincean
Public Food services as a lever for change Part 2 Speakers: Betina B. Madsen, Tamara Bruning
New Public Food Paradigm – from commodities to commons Speaker: Giuseppe Mastruzzo
Public Food services as a lever for change Part 3. Speakers: Robin Gourlay, Betina B. Madsen
From Designers to Chefs – a fascinating food story from Brazil Speaker: Teresa Corçao (+ YouTube Documentary)
Public Food services as a lever for change Part 4. Speaker: Lynsey Gordon
Food Waste – What to do? Speaker: Clementine O’Connor
27 dynamic food professionals from 13 different countries spent one week listening, thinking and discussing how chefs and their recipes can drive the shift towards a new paradigm for our food systems by reducing food losses and waste and moving towards more sustainable and healthy diets.
You can read their findings, written in their common “declaration” in English here:
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