As part of the SAPIENS Early Stage Research project N° 15 “Bringing Sustainability to the Collective Table”, which explores sustainable public food procurement in Europe, with a focus on Italy and France, and thanks to the partner organisation Eating City, ESR Chiara Falvo had the opportunity to carry out a 2-month fieldwork at the Departmental Council of Dordogne, in France. From mid-September to mid November 2022, she collaborated closely with the Education Division, in Périgueux, to investigate their school food project and to develop future food procurement strategies.

Drawing on the presentation made on 25th November 2022 at the International Workshop Public Food Procurement for Schools amidst a Health and Financial Crisis, this report aims to present the main aspects of the ‘Dordogne approach’ for sustainable school meals. It will firstly provide a brief overview of school catering in France and in the Department of Dordogne, followed by an outline of the latter’s innovative school food project. Three aspects will be explored in depth: public food procurement, cost management and the ECOCERT certification mechanism. Finally, a number of strong points and future opportunities will be highlighted.