
The Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind (FPH) is a foundation under Swiss law registered in the Canton de Vaud since 1982. Our action is financed by the revenues of the bequest of Charles Léopold Mayer allowing a stable budget of 10 million Swiss Francs per year.

The foundation’s mission is to finance -through donations or loans- researches and actions contributing in a significant and innovative way to the progress of humankind through science and social development. Its work focuses on governance, ethics and sustainable living modes.

Contributing to systemic change requires commitment and investment in the long term. Therefore it mainly dedicates its fundings to the structural needs of actors to help them:

  • develop local, regional and international networks;
  • produce analysis and sound proposals for sustainable alternatives;
  • advocate and challenge public authorities and international organisations.


FPH offices:

Lausanne, Switzerland
Avenue Dickens 6 CH – 1006 Lausanne
tel: + 41 (0) 21 342 50 10
Fax: + 41 (0) 21 342 50 11
email: @ contact.lausanne fph.ch
dickens6 blog: www.dickens6.ch

Paris, France
38 rue Saint Sabin F – 75011 Paris
Tel: + 33 (0) 1 43 14 75 75
Fax: + 33 (0) 1 43 14 75 99
email: @ contact.paris fph.ch

see more.