“The Declaration for a Food and Agriculture Transition in the Mediterranean” of MCAF highlights how decades of disinterest towards Mediterranean food and agriculture is detrimental for the current preparation of future actions to preserve environment, health, jobs, quality of life, culture, for mediterranean populations…
The Declaration for a Food and Agriculture Transition in the Mediterranean was presented within a workshop held on 17th November in the COP22, with its first 50 signatory organisations from 13 different Mediterranean countries.

No doubts subsist that Food and climate issues are inextricably bound up. In this context Mediterranean Food Systems are under the spotlights, not only because Mediterranean diet was inscribed in 2013 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
If the intangible Cultural heritage celebrates and commemorates “a set of skills, knowledge, rituals, symbols and traditions concerning crops, harvesting, fishing, animal husbandry, conservation, processing, cooking, and particularly the sharing and consumption of food“, the document of MCAF highlights how decades of amnesy is detrimental for the current preparation of future actions to preserve environment, health, jobs, quality of life, culture, for mediterranean populations…
The declaration can be downloaded in:
To endorse the declaration, more information can be asked at the following address secretariat@fundacionacm.org