Every evening, from 5pm to 10pm, the spirulina is part of Venice Carnival at Fresch.in festival of Mattaccino, in collaboration with Eating City and La Voie Bleue, in Pescheria di Rialto, Venice

Mattaccino Fresch.in


Eating City platform has chosen Venice, as it is by its nature, morphology and history the ideal place to speak about algae and innovation.

In past centuries Venice has been the entry point for so many spices and great innovations. Today it can strive to be forerunner of a new urban food system also based on the spirulina as source of protein and other important nutrients.

Eating City  will open dialogue every evening with Isabelle Lacourt, Maurizio Mariani, and with Georges Garcia, from La Voie Bleue, who will present la Phytotiere, a prototype developped to produce spirulina at home.

It will be possible to taste spirulina, with special sandwiches prepared on the basis of traditional recipes by Mattaccino.

Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1433688876649633/