The Climate Actors World Summit follows the logic of the Sommet Mondial Climat et Territoires (World Climate and Territories Summit) in Lyon (july), the International Conference on Financing for Development (Conférence internationale sur le financement du développement) in Addis-Abeba (july), the Bogota Climate Summit (september), the Climate Week and the General assembly of United Nations in New York (september), the Climate Summit for Local Leaders in Paris (december),and wants to underline the level of non-State actors commitments in the fight against climate change.
The unprecedented scale of the Agreement obtained in Paris during COP21 makes it an important milestone to mobilize all the actors of the international community to keep human made global warming less than 2°C – and if possible less than 1,5 °C – in the horizon 2100.
It reinforce the core importance of non state actors to find and implement solutions for climate and to meet the objectives of the period 2015-2020. It also open the doors for their participation to the reassessment of States’ indicative contributions in 2018.
Whole program of the event.
In such context, Eating City platfom promotes a pragmatic approach to build a model of food lifespan from origin to plate that makes possible to identify all food-related activities and infrastructures in and out the city to design an organization chart that connects all stakeholders and infrastructures, giving them a role and a responsibility to foster resilient/regenerative food systems.