This campaign provides 3 different levels of participation:
first level:
To eat once during the week, in the canteen, leguminous plants growing in Spain and to present the FAO International year of Pulses, which is now approaching to its end.
second level:
To eat once during the week, in the canteen, leguminous plants growing in Spain, to organise didactic activities for children aged 9 to 11 according to the indications presented in Mensacivica website and to present the FAO International year of Pulses.
third level:
To eat twice during the week, in the canteen, leguminous plants growing in Spain, to organise didactic activities for children aged 9 to 11 according to the indications presented in Mensacivica website and to present the FAO International year of Pulses as well as Mensa Civica objectives according to pulses consumption.