We are pleased to invite you to the 2nd Eating City – Food Wave Ambassador Meeting which will take place online on the 25th of March 2022.
This meeting represents the opportunity for all the Ambassadors of our community to gather together and discuss the contents of the “Eating City – Food wave Manifesto”. Every Ambassador will have the chance to share his/her own experience, to contribute to the first draft of the manifesto.
Before the final approval of the Final text of the manifesto there will an ongoing process with monthly online meetings (Zoom) on these dates:
April 27– May 25– June 29 From 17h30 to 19h00 CET
You are not an Ambassador? Don’t worry about it! You can become one by visiting our web site.
Food Wave needs you and your ideas to change the future of our cities.
Join the movement, become a change-maker.