Toni Guga

“Youths & Labor – how and why food service should be a lever to create job opportunities for the young generation”  #EC_SC2018

The selection results for #EC_SC2018 are out! We invite all candidates to check their emails and, for those who have been selected, to please confirm their participation BEFORE Saturday 16th June

We are pleased to announce the 6th “Eating City Summer Campus”, inviting 28 participants aged 22-32 working & studying around food sustainability: Chefs, Gastronomists, Nutritionists, Food Procurement Officers – F&B Buyers, Farmers, Fishermen, Foodies, young professionals… at anyone work or studying around food issues – are invited to share this challenging adventure.

The Eating City Summer Campus experience brings together young people, researchers, senior professionals working in the public and private sectors, opinion and community leaders and builds participants’ capacity for learning and leading in the 21st century.

Click here for more information and to how to apply.